Monday, September 1, 2014

Swartz Creek Global Learning Hub 

 Mr. T Dean of Students

WAX ON WAX OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will not waste your time with tasks not needed,
therefore - everything that is asked of you - has a purpose.
Like the Karate Kid theory...


Click here for link to Mr. T Welcome & Checklist for the SCGLH 2014-2015 

Please leave what this Wax on Wax off Philosophy means to you...

Thank you

Mr. T 


  1. Even if something seems dumb or pointless you can still learn something from it.

  2. To me this means even if you don't think you are learning anything because you think it's not worth it, most of the time you still are.

  3. The wax on wax off philosophy means to me that everything has its purpose, and in the end it will benifit you.
